... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Pray, pray, pray - for unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labour in vain!

October Prayer Focus

Global media means … global reach. And God has given the ministry of Christianityworks, just that … global reach! Which is exactly what Jesus promised:

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. (Acts 1:8).

But notice please that He didn’t send His disciples to proclaim the Gospel in their own strength, but in the power of the Holy Spirit. Sure the media is global. Sure, God has given us access. But lives can only be changed … by the power of the Holy Spirit. 

That’s why your prayer this month is so vitally important! So thank you for praying with us.

And here are some specific prayer points to help you do just that:

      • Pray fervently that the door that God has opened for us in Zanzibar will remain wide open. 99% of the population there are Muslim. God has given us great favour to proclaim Christ on Coconut FM (a Muslim station!). Pray for that favour to grow, for more doors to be opened and most importantly, for lives to be touched and transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit, as this station broadcasts Christianityworks’ daily Swahili Bible teaching messages across the nation.
      • Pray that the light of the Gospel will overcome evil, that as it shines out through Christianityworks and the hundreds of radio, TV and digital networks who are our broadcast partners, the light of Jesus Christ will disempower, displace and defeat evil; that through these amazing partnerships, dark strongholds will be torn down around the world for the glory of Jesus, as more and more come to know Him.
      • Give thanks for our New Zealand team member Pam Hoogvliet who labours away in the background to proofread the daily English Fresh devotional messages. This is a huge job which she does so willingly, so quietly and so sacrificially. May the Lord bless her, her husband Gary and their daughter Summer, more abundantly than they can ever imagine.
      • Pray for the finances of the ministry of Christianityworks without which we cannot do all that God has called us to do. October is seasonally a month when we receive fewer donations – so ask the Lord to meet the ministry’s every need in proclaiming Christ to the nations.  ..
      • Give thanks for the global reach for the Gospel that the Lord has granted us. Thank Him for the many friends and supporters who make that possible. And ask Him never to allow what He has done to be a cause of pride – rather that together, we would humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God to do His bidding, for His glory.
      • And as always please, continue to pray the prayer of Jabez (1 Chronicles 4:10) again and again over Christianityworks …
        Oh Lord, that you would bless us indeed … with Your supernatural blessings, far beyond our expectations and natural abilities.
        That you would enlarge our territory … giving us more capacity, reach and impact, that more lives would be saved + transformed.
        That your mighty hand would be with us … so we would be wholly dependent on you, on your touch of greatness, not on ourselves.
        That you would keep us from evil that we would cause no pain … so that in holiness + love in all that we do, the name of Jesus would be glorified.

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