... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Pray for the Gap to be Bridged

July Prayer Focus

Here at Christianityworks, it’s all about sharing the good news of Jesus with countless people each week around the globe. Millions, actually! 

That’s why we like the focus to be on the mission and those whom we reach with God’s Word, not on the ministry itself. But every now and then, we do need to talk about the ministry and its needs, because the plain facts of the matter are, that without sufficient financial support, there is no ministry. 

Last month’s ‘Abundant Life’ Appeal fell some 16% short of what’s needed to keep Christianityworks on air on hundreds of radio, television and digital networks across the world.

And the Lord taught us to pray … give us this day our daily bread. So, let’s pray together …

Here are some specific prayer points to help you do just that:

      • Pray for God to move in the hearts of His people to Bridge the Gap in the ministry’s funding needs, enabling us together, to reach more and more people with the Good News of Jesus. May He meet the ministry’s every need that many, many … many more would receive Jesus into their hearts. 
      • Give thanks for those friends of Christianityworks who gave so generously during last month’s ‘Abundant Life’ Appeal. May the Lord our God bless them with the super-abundant life that He came to give them (John 10:10) especially in the midst of the trials that they face.
      • Pray for our Bible Teacher + ceo Berni Dymet as he travels to South Africa this month to attend and speak at the SA Association of Christian Media conference in Durban. May he be an encouragement to the dedicated Christian media professionals who attend and may the Lord keep him safe as he travels across the country to minister the Gospel.
      • Pray for the thousands of people who’ve sent their prayer requests in via the PowerfulPrayer.org site. So many are doing it so tough. May the Word of God encourage and strengthen them through their trials. May the prayer of our many prayer volunteers be heard by God that He would provide powerful, eternal answers … in Jesus mighty name! ..
      • Pray for the millions of people across Ethiopia who listen each night to the Fresh devotional radio messages that have been translated into Amharic and contextualised for their unique circumstances and culture. As they gather around their family and community shortwave radio receivers, may the love and the wisdom of God manifest in their lives through the power of His Spirit and His Word.
      • And as always please, continue to pray the prayer of Jabez (1 Chronicles 4:10) again and again over Christianityworks …
        Oh Lord, that you would bless us indeed … with Your supernatural blessings, far beyond our expectations and natural abilities.
        That you would enlarge our territory … giving us more capacity, reach and impact, that more lives would be saved + transformed.
        That your mighty hand would be with us … so we would be wholly dependent on you, on your touch of greatness, not on ourselves.
        That you would keep us from evil that we would cause no pain … so that in holiness + love in all that we do, the name of Jesus would be glorified.

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