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Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

The Kindness of God

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Ephesians 2:7 God did this so that his kindness to us who belong to Christ Jesus would clearly show for all time to come the amazing richness of his grace.

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Why? Why did God choose you? How come He opened His heart to you, to share His Son with you, so you could be saved from eternal death? Have you ever wondered that? Why me?

And that’s the reality if you believe in Jesus – that He is the Son of God, that He died to pay for your sins, that He rose again to give you a new life. If you’ve placed your whole life in His hands then you are one of the chosen ones. Let’s recap on the handful of verses that we’ve been chatting about these past couple of days:

Ephesians 2:4-6 But God is rich in mercy, and he loved us very much. We were spiritually dead because of all we had done against him. But he gave us new life together with Christ. (You have been saved by God’s grace.) Yes, it is because we are a part of Christ Jesus that God raised us from death and seated us together with him in the heavenly places.

Yeah, what a reality. One that we need to come back to again and again, because we have an eternity ahead of us, because of what Jesus did for us. Just let that soak in. But why? Why me? Why you?

Ephesians 2:7 God did this so that his kindness to us who belong to Christ Jesus would clearly show for all time to come the amazing richness of his grace.

Why? So that His kindness would be emblazoned across the sky for all eternity. So that people would know who He is, when they see what He’s done in our life.

So hey, let’s live a life that shines His kindness and the richness of His grace into the lives of those who have yet to know Him.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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