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Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Do What Dad’s Doing

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John 5:19 But Jesus answered, "I assure you that the Son can do nothing alone. He does only what he sees his Father doing. The Son does the same things that the Father does.”

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On a scale of zero to ten, how comfortable are you, in sharing your faith with those who don’t yet believe in Jesus?

“Evangelism”. It’s a term that, frankly, makes most Christians cringe with guilt. So we kind of sweep the whole idea of sharing our faith under the carpet, hoping it’ll go away. Hoping that God won’t notice that we aren’t sharing His good news of grace and mercy in Jesus, with those who are headed for the terror of a Christless eternity.

“Well, yeah, I know I should be telling people about Jesus. I’m not all that good at it and what if they laugh at me? I’ll leave it to the experts.”

Frankly, I’m not all that comfortable sharing my faith one-on-one. I’m just not. But every now and then, God will bring someone across my path, and I just kind of sense Him nudging me in that person’s direction. Sometimes, I just feel led to provide some practical assistance. And other times, to share a little of my faith.

And when it’s happening in God’s time, and at His behest, it’s just the most natural thing in the world.

John 5:19 But Jesus answered, “I assure you that the Son can do nothing alone. He does only what he sees his Father doing. The Son does the same things that the Father does.”

I heard a preacher once, sum up that verse like this: “just do what Dad’s doing.”

It turns out our job isn’t to save the world. It just isn’t. Our job is to get involved in the things that our Father in Heaven is already doing, when He calls on us. The rest is up to Him.

Just be you, and get involved in what Dad’s already doing.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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