... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: How to Live an Extraordinary Life (Pt 4)

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Let’s face it, we only get one crack at living our lives on this earth. Before you know it, it’s over. So why waste it? I mean … we can live an ordinary life. A safe life. A life where we don’t take too many risks, give too much away. “I’ve tried that” says Berni Dymet, CEO of Christianityworks, “and it’s dull, it’s boring and very unsatisfying.” So … what’s the alternative to an ordinary life? Well, an extraordinary life of course.

So join Berni Dymet this week as he follows Jesus around on the dusty roads of 1st Century Israel, to discover just one thing. How to live an extraordinary life.

Also available to listen on:

Episode 1. A Different Perspective

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It’s all too easy in life to get stuck in a rut. In what we say, in what we do … and actually also in what we think. And when someone challenges those things – often times we defend our …

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Episode 2. The Golden Rule

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Pretty much everyone’s heard of the Golden Rule – you know do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Yeah, okay. That’s nice But what does it really mean, and what impact can it really …

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Episode 3. The Theory is Not Enough

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Ask someone whether they’d like to live an extraordinary life, and most people will say “of course I do”. But then all of a sudden, when they realise that that’s going to involve sacrifices, …

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Episode 4. Powered by Faith

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Most times when we run into difficult issues in our lives, we try to overcome them in our own strength – or perhaps with the help of a friend. But what do we do when we run into difficulties, …

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Episode 5. Tough Choices

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The choices that we make along the way have a lot to do with the sort of life we end up living. Good choices inevitably have good outcomes and bad choices …. Well, you know.  But there’s one …

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