... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: Jesus Speaks, Jesus Heals

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One of the things that we do all too often when things aren’t going according to plan, when we have some aches and pains in our lives, is that we set about treating the symptoms, rather than healing the underlying disease. But Jesus, well, He’s much more interested in healing the disease. And that’s what this teaching series is all about. 

So join Berni Dymet in this latest series, as he opens God’s Word to discover the healing that Jesus wants to bring into your life

Episode 1. Treating the Symptom or Healing the Disease

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When you’re sick, when something’s hurting, what you desperately want to do is to get better and stop the pain. And at that point, there is a huge risk. The risk is, that you throw an aspirin or …

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Episode 2. The Power to Change

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You know what they say … if all else fails, pray. And frankly, that’s how many people treat prayer. And yes God will show up in a crisis. But the most powerful form of prayer is pre-emptive …

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Episode 3. The Blessings of God

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Question: how much of your brain time do you spend worrying about things that are out of your control? Really! You might actually be shocked at the answer to that question and then to compare it with …

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Episode 4. The Healing Power of Jesus

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You’ve heard that saying “life wasn’t meant to be easy”. We all have and here’s the thing. When you hear it, it can be quite … discouraging. Why? Well, (a) because we know it’s true and …

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